Editorial: How to get your work published

Peter G Robinson

Editorial: How to get your work published

Authors: Peter G Robinson
doi: 10.1922/CDH_Sept24Editorial04


The pressure on academics to publish is greater than ever. Sharing knew knowledge has always been satisfying and is necessary for career development. There are also ethical imperatives to avoid withholding knowledge and to prevent colleagues duplicating research unnecessarily, which would waste their time and burden participants. On top of these long-standing drivers, academic institutions must now manage their resources carefully and want to see a return on their investment in you, which will be measured in terms of quality and quantity of research outputs. As the need for publications has increased, so has the number of submissions and consequently, the competition to publish in the best-known journals. In some years CDH receives ten times more manuscripts than we can fit in the journal. Academics must publish more often, and their submissions must be of the highest quality to stand a chance of publication.

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