Proceedings of EADPH Pre-Congress Workshop held on Wednesday, 11 September 2019 at Het Pand, University of Ghent, Belgium

Proceedings of EADPH Pre-Congress Workshop held on Wednesday, 11 September 2019 at Het Pand, University of Ghent, Belgium

doi: 10.1922/CDH_EAPDHWorkshopOct2019


© BASCD 2019 Proceedings of EADPH Pre-Congress Workshop held on Wednesday, 11 September 2019 at Het Pand, University of Ghent, Belgium Best practices in dental curricula development – a follow-up to the 2018 EADPH Pre-Congress Workshop This document reports the proceedings of a workshop held in Ghent on 11 September 2019, the day before the annual congress of the European Association of Dental Public Health. It is taken directly from the transcription of an audio recording. The workshop consisted of eight short presentations which described curriculum changes and examples of interprofessional education and practice involving dental public health in European countries. The presentations were followed by discussions in four small working groups and reports from each group which highlighted achievements, barriers and challenges.



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