December 2006

Volume 23, Issue 4

Abstracts - Papers presented at the BASCD Spring Presidential meeting in Cambridge, UK, March 2006



Salaried Primary Dental Care Services: A Vision Janet Clarke, Chair of Central Committee for Community and Public Health Dentistry, British Dental Association. Objective To consider current legislative and policy changes in England that directly affect the Salaried Primary Dental Care Services (SPDCS) and explore the impact of these on the service after April 1st 2006. Issues The final outcome of the review of SPDCS - Creating the Future, set out proposals to modernise career structures for salaried dentists. The Acting Chief Dental Officer has also confirmed that NHS Employers will be negotiating a new payscale for non specialists in the service. The Department of Health has just issued a Factsheet on commissioning SPDCS after April 1st 2006 and Directions are awaited. Impact Salaried services in England will either be new Personal Dental Services or Primary Care Trust Dental Services from 1st April. All services will operate in the same way as the General Dental Service (Performers Lists, dental charges, use of FP17 and collecting Units of Dental Activity). Conclusion Services might have both specialist lead teams (for example providing Special Care Dentistry) and generalists teams (providing general dentistry). Services need clear and detailed service level agreements or contracts to describe and protect the valuable work they currently do.


Other articles in this issue

Article Pages Access
Editorial - Presentations and conferences: can we measure their value? 194-196 Download
Caries prevalence in 12-year-old children from Germany. Results of the 2004 national survey 197-202 Download
The relationship between prevalence and incidence of dental caries. Some observational consequences. 203-208 Download
Characteristics attributed to individuals with dental fluorosis 209-216 Download
DIAGNOdent - an adjunctive diagnostic method for caries diagnosis in epidemiology 217-221 Download
Prevalence and factors associated with traumatic dental injuries (TDI) to anterior teeth of 11-13 year old Thai children 222-227 Download
Performance indicators used to assess the quality of primary dental care 228-235 Download
A survey of school dental screening practise in community dental services of England and Wales in 2003 236-238 Download
The prevalence and pattern of hypodontia of the permanent teeth and crown size and shape deformity affecting upper lateral incisors in a sample of Jordanian dental patients. 239-243 Download
Relationship between dental caries experience (DMFS) and dental fluorosis in 12-year-old Puerto Ricans. 244-250 Download
Prevalence of dental caries in obese and normal-weight Brazilian adolescents attending state and private schools. 251-253 Download
Abstracts - Papers presented at the BASCD Spring Presidential meeting in Cambridge, UK, March 2006 254-254 Download


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