December 2009

Volume 26, Issue 4

Sense of coherence associates with oral and general health behaviours

Authors: J. Savolainen A. Suominen-Taipale A. Uutela A. Aromaa T. Härkänen M. Knuuttila
doi: 10.1922/CDH_2335Savolainen07


Objective: Our aim was to investigate the mutual relationship between oral and general health behaviours and oral and general subjective health among adults, and to explore whether sense of coherence (SOC) could be a common health-promoting correlate for them. Participants: The present study included data for 4,096 30- to 64-year-old dentate adults (2,177 females and 1919 males). Basic research design: In the nationally representative, cross-sectional sample including 8,028 persons aged 30, or more, 88% were surveyed. The questionnaire and home interview included information about socio-economic and demographic factors, behavioural and psycho-social variables. Chisquare test and logistic regression models were used in the data analysis. Main outcome measures: The main outcome measures were oral health behaviours (regular dental attendance, twice a day tooth-brushing frequency), general health behaviours (non-smoking habits, physical activity at least twice a week), subjective oral and general health and the SOC (12-item) scale. Results: Among females, positive health behaviours tended to occur together significantly more often than among males. Thus, 83 % of females with more than once a week physical exercise frequency, and 79 % of the non-smoking females, brushed their teeth at least twice a day, while the corresponding figures for the males were merely 55 % and 50 %. A strong SOC was associated with uniformly positive health behaviours and subjective oral and general health. Conclusions: Our results suggest that a strong SOC has a universal positive association with several health behaviours and subjective health measures, also concerning oral health. Thus, the role of psycho-social factors should not be underestimated in health promotion. Key words: Dental attendance, physical activity, psycho-social, sense of coherence, smoking, subjective health, tooth-brushing


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