September 2014

Volume 31, Issue 3

Frequency of daily tooth brushing: predictors of change in 9- to 11-year old US children

Authors: B.R. Flay A. Koerber S. Levy M. Geng D.E. Polk
doi: 10.1922/CDH_3321Polk05


Objective: To investigate whether an increase in daily tooth brushing frequency in children was predicted by either a) having a strong intention to brush twice a day or b) their parents receiving information about their new caries experience. Basic Research Design: Secondary data analyses were conducted on two waves of data from the Aban Aya Youth Project and the Iowa Fluoride Study. Participants: The Aban Aya study included 576 10- and 11-year olds from Chicago, Illinois. The Iowa Fluoride Study included a convenience sample of 709 babies born in Iowa. The present study includes those children at age 9. Main Outcome Measures: In both studies, reported daily tooth brushing frequency was assessed twice six months apart. Results: In the Aban Aya data, compared with children with a weak intention at wave 1 to brush twice a day, children with a strong intention to brush twice a day were more likely to increase their brushing frequency by wave 2, OR 7.0, 95%CI 1.5,32.9. In the Iowa Fluoride Study, compared with children who did not have new caries at wave 1, children who had new caries experience were less likely to increase their brushing frequency by wave 2, OR 0.4, 95%CI 0.2,0.9. Conclusions: Strengthening intention to brush twice a day might increase children’s brushing frequency. However, simply providing parents with information about new caries probably will not. Future studies should assess tooth brushing frequency, habit strength, intention, and situational cues at closely-spaced waves. Key words: tooth brushing, children, adolescents, intentions, caries, primary prevention, secondary prevention


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