Introduction: Looked-After-Children (LAC) frequently are more likely to have untreated dental caries, periodontal diseases or dental trauma (McMahon et al., 2018). The COVID-19 pandemic reduced the availability of dental appointments, including for LAC. This initiative piloted the inclusion of a dental pathway into the existing LAC care pathway in Buckinghamshire. The key principle was providing oral health messaging around maintaining good oral health and preventing disease in these children by training those involved with their care. Methods: A working group was convened, which included dental public health, clinical and training expertise. A care pathway was developed with resources drawn from existing programmes including mini Mouth Care Matters (mMCM). The care pathways were designed to identify children who needed care urgently due to pain or discomfort, signpost them to the relevant/most appropriate providers and provide oral health improvement advice for everyone. Local partners were engaged to ensure that the processes and training were appropriate. A pilot training session was then carried out for a range of staff engaged in the care of LAC within Buckinghamshire. Results: The pilot dental pathway, launched in March 2022, initiative was welcomed by all stakeholders, including dental commissioners. The pilot training session received positive feedback from participants, with requests for more sessions. Training sessions were subsequently translated into video sessions, accessible when needed, for new staff or as refresher sessions. Conclusion: There are opportunities to reduce future inequalities for these children by inculcating positive behaviours early in their care journey. This will reduce their need for care. Identifying and implementing the most appropriate initiatives requires collaboration and commitment from all stakeholders. Keywords: health promotion, oral health, oral health inequalities England, looked-after-children